Webinar: Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration for Supervisor Training: Reaping the Benefits of a Relationship-Based Approach

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Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration for Supervisor Training: Reaping the Benefits of a Relationship-Based Approach

February 16th, 2023 at 8pm EST (NY Time)


Dr. Maria Morales1, Dr. Krista Redlinger-Grosse2, & Dr. Ian MacFarlane3

1CEO, MIM Consulting

2Director of Fieldwork and Supervisory Training, Genetic Counseling Program, University of Minnesota

3Associate Director of Research, Research Assistant Professor, Genetic Counseling Program, University of Minnesota


Cross-disciplinary collaboration opens the door for enriched work that pulls from multiple areas of theory, practice, and wisdom. It can also, however, lead to disconnected parts and frustrating experiences if not done well. The presenters will describe a successful collaboration between three individuals with complementary but varied professional and personal identities as they developed and implemented a training on culturally engaged supervision for a group of genetic counseling fieldwork supervisors. They will discuss the origins of their collaboration, explain how the principles of a relationship-based approach guided planning and implementation of the workshop, situate their process in the interprofessional collaboration literature, and distill conclusions intended to help others move from a shared project to a shared vision that forms the foundation for ongoing efforts.

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