CSRC offers new and established clinical supervision researchers many opportunities and resources to support their work and broaden their professional networks. Collaborator meetings include dedicated time to meet other CSRC members, including fellow researchers and supervision practitioners. These meetings may feature brief focused discussions on a current research issue as well as open discussion.
Collaborators can join – or create – CSRC Special Interest Communities (SICs) around research topics and/or practice issues. Current groups include those focused on trauma-informed supervision, supervision training, methodological challenges in measuring client outcomes of supervision, and use of active learning strategies in clinical supervision, as well as a SIC devoted to supervision practitioners’ conversations. Visit – and join – as many CSRC Learning Communities as you like!
CLINICAL SUPERVISION INSTRUMENTS DATABASE: CSRC members can access information about a range of clinical supervision measures – for use in research and practice – on our Resources page.
WEBINARS: CSRC members can access recordings of past webinars on our Webinars page.
PODCASTS: Clinical Supervision Connection is a podcast designed to engage the clinical supervision community in cross-disciplinary dialogues and collaboration.
BLOGS: Read supervision practitioners’ and researchers’ current perspectives on clinical supervision by visiting our Blog page.
COMING SOON: CSRC Research Incubators bring together new and experienced researchers for discussion and feedback. These meetings are open to CSRC Collaborators only.