Episode 9: Unwind the complicated Dynamics of Burnout
Join our hosts in an intimate and honest conversation exploring both narrative and empirical knowledge on the experience of burn-out across professional identities in this collaborative episode with Catherine Moore LCSW of Social Workers Rise www.socialworkersrise.com/
Episode 8: Integrando Conocimiento, Empoderando Comunidades
In our first Spanish episode you will hear Kat and Lauren introduce Meri Lubina, Maria Antonia Carbajal (Toni) and Veronica Ruiz (Vero) and their clinical supervision activity. Join us as they describe the application and advancement of typically white, Western, English-language empirical knowledge in the context of their countries in Latin America. Here they tell us how they work together in a clinical community to further develop the international knowledge base to better represent multicultural realities. You will learn about their preference for new terminology, such as “clinical accompaniment” rather than “clinical supervision,” and the broadening of the connections they refer to as “clinical communities” referred to by Dr. Maria del Pilar Grazioso. This inspiring group will guide us in finding the balance between when to prioritize the application of international knowledge and practices and when to prioritize local wisdom and uniqueness in intervention and clinical supervision/accompaniment. They talk about how this often requires operating in a creative gray in-between the two foci. Meri, Toni and Vero also explore how living and working in this position affects the identity of the professional. This extended episode is packed with rich information on the diffusion of knowledge across disciplines, cultures, contexts, languages and borders. Join us to listen to this episode in Spanish or if you prefer you can read the transcript below. Episode transcription in Spanish and English in process.
Episode 7: A Year in Review of the Life of a Podcast
Join us for a team conversation as we engage in reflexive production. As a group of researchers focused on the field of clinical supervision, we find ourselves embodying the literature even through this knowledge dissemination project which both witnesses and projects the voices of the field. In this episode you can listen to us getting mushy-gushy about appreciating access to experts with extensive practice backgrounds as much as access to one another. We hope that this glimpse behind the curtain will introduce you to the threads of care and appreciation we aim to harness in building trust and understanding in the field.
Episode 6: Leaping Through Layers of Clinical Supervision- Dr. Rita Glover
Please join us in an intimate conversation about the complex layers of clinical supervision and the bi-directional ripple effects in the systems which surround this unique relationship. Dr. Rita Glover walks us through her research and take aways regarding the evolving nature of supervision including infantilization of supervisees, leaping in or leaping ahead as a supervisor as well as the contextual realities of working as a supervisor in Irish and Unitied Kingdom settings. Listen now to hear more about Dr Glover’s Existential Analytic approach to clinical supervision and paying attention to the lived expereince of supervisors and supervisees in order to enhance human to human connection in the supervisory endeavour in order to uncover and more fully understand the dynamics and processes impacting on therapeutic and supervisory practices.
Dr. Rita Glover is Assistant Professor in Psychotherapy and Programme Chair of the Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision at Dublin City University, Ireland. Rita has also been the Chair of the Doctorate in Psychotherapy and MSc in Psychotherapy programmes in Dublin City University Ireland. Rita has undertaken extensive research on psychotherapeutic supervision, which has uncovered inescapable supervisory experiences of existential angst and heightened responsibility in concerning supervisory situations.
Episode 5: Shaping Environments for and with Clinical Supervision – Dr. Liz Beddoe
Journey with us as Dr. Beddoe guides us through shaping time and space for informed growth in the Clinical Supervisory context. In this episode you can hear her personal story of profoundly impacting the world of social work, her local community in Aotearoa/New Zealand, and cross disciplinary clinical supervision. Dr. Beddoe’s work inspires while empowering the listeners to build bridges across frames such as profession and culture.
Dr. Liz Beddoe is a professor in the School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work at the University of Auckland which she established. Respected globally, she has researched and written extensively about social work supervision. She is the editor-in-chief of the Aotearoa (Ow-tey-ah-row-ah) New Zealand Social Work journal, and is on the advisory boards for Australian Social Work, International Social Work and the Asian Social Work and Policy Review.
Episode 4: Quijotadas for the Clinical Supervision Community – Dr. Maria del Pilar Grazioso
Enter the creative world of Dr. Maria del Pilar Grazioso as she walks us through integrating empirically supported and internationally informed clinical supervision practices in Guatemala with implications for multicultural contexts overall. She describes the selfless and courageous strive toward cultural humility within the supervision community, highlighting the essence of “quijotadas”. Dr. Grazioso intimately describes ingeniously and courageously straddling borders across her professional career and the ripples of impact both towards the self and towards the field.
Dr. Maria del Pilar Grazioso is the highly respected and internationally renowned director of the Doctoral Program in Applied Psychology at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, co-coordinator of Proyecto Aiglé Guatemala, and she served as associate editor of the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. She has multiple awards from national and international psychological and counseling associations such as the American Counseling Association, Colegio de Psicólogos de Guatemala, the XXXII Interamerican Congress of Psychology, and Division 52 of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Grazioso is also on the Advisory Board of the CSRC.
With respect to a reading list, Maria chose to share how she connects with the scholars and researchers whose work she resonates with to develop relationships and follow, providing the examples of Dr. Patricia Arredondo and Dr.Rod Goodyear.
Episode 3: The Breadth of Pedagogy in Clinical Supervision – Dr. L. DiAnne Borders
Dr. L. DiAnne Borders shares her path to Clinical Supervision, and invites us to look through a pedagogical lens when approaching the clinical supervision space. Dr. Borders describes clinical supervision as a process responding to the unique developmental needs of the supervisee, and shares her thoughts on the importance of feedback. She speaks to her current research interests, reflects on the trends she is seeing as editor of The Clinical Supervisor, and provides academic writing tips. Jake and Kat reflect on the conversation. Dr. Borders’ experience as a leading woman in defining the field provides clear and concise guidance today.
Episode 2: The Mountains and Valleys of Clinical Supervision – Dr. Michael V. Ellis
Journey with Dr. Michael V Ellis as he leads us through the mountain vistas and profound valleys of Clinical Supervision. Dr. Ellis guides us through defining CS as a discipline and many of his exciting and disappointing experiences. He shares his research on Exceptional, Inadequate, and Harmful supervision, application of his work, future recommendations, and what inspired him to co-found the CSRC. Jake and Kat reflect on key points and next steps.
Episode 1: Welcome to the CSRC – Dr. L. DiAnne Borders & Dr. Michael V. Ellis
Join us to hear Dr. L. DiAnne Borders & Dr. Michael V. Ellis pull together our foundational series with a fun and informative discussion centered on the importance of cross border and cross disciplinary boundaries. Their relationship is the catalyst for founding the Clinical Supervision Research Collaborative (CSRC). Necessary next steps in clinical supervision research, and the importance of collaboration are emphasized.
Prologue – Building a Clinical Supervision Research Community
The Clinical Supervision Connection Podcast is here to engage the clinical supervision community in cross-disciplinary dialogues and collaboration. By hosting voices across geographical contexts, this reciprocal community of researchers and practitioners will have the opportunity to learn with one another and translate knowledge to shared understanding. Welcome to the Clinical Supervision Connection Podcast.